Viewer user type

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Viewer user type



Inbegrepen apps

Ontdek wat er inbegrepen is

Bekijk de tabel om te zien wat aansluit op de behoeften van uw team.

Mobile Worker
Integreer in het veld verzamelde data

Meer informatie over Mobile Worker

Garandeer datakwaliteit

Meer informatie over Contributor

Neem datagereven beslissingen

Meer informatie over Viewer

Data verzamelen en bijwerkenIncludednot includednot included
Werkopdrachten ontvangenIncludednot includednot included
Routes online en offline navigerenIncludednot includednot included
Locatie delenIncludednot includednot included
Eenvoudige edits bekijken en toepassenIncludedIncludednot included
Data opmaken en annoterenIncludedIncludednot included
Verkennen en samenwerkenIncludedIncludednot included
Microsoft- en Autodesk-integraties gebruikenIncludedIncludednot included
Kaarten, apps en content op een veilige manier bekijkenIncludedIncludedIncluded
Dashboards monitorenIncludedIncludedIncluded
Beschikbaar met ArcGIS Enterprise-extensies
Bekijk knowledge graphsIncludedIncludedIncluded
Deelnemen aan veldwerkopdrachtenIncludedIncludednot included

Ontdek wat er is inbegrepen 

Bekijk de tabel om te zien wat aansluit op de behoeften van uw team.

Mobile Worker

Integreer in het veld verzamelde data

Meer informatie over Mobile Worker

Garandeer datakwaliteit

Meer informatie over Contributor

Neem datagedreven beslissingen

Meer informatie over Viewer

Apps bij ArcGIS Online en ArcGIS Enterprise inbegrepen
ArcGIS Dashboards product logo ArcGIS DashboardsIncludedIncludedIncluded
ArcGIS Earth product logo ArcGIS EarthIncludedIncludedIncluded
ArcGIS Experience Builder product logo ArcGIS Experience BuilderIncludedIncludedIncluded
ArcGIS Field Maps product logo ArcGIS Field MapsIncludedIncludedIncluded
ArcGIS Flight product logo ArcGIS FlightIncludednot includednot included
ArcGIS GeoBIM product logo ArcGIS GeoBIMIncludedIncludednot included
ArcGIS Instant Apps product logo ArcGIS Instant AppsIncludedIncludedIncluded
ArcGIS Maps for Adobe Creative Cloud product logo ArcGIS Maps for Adobe Creative CloudIncludedIncludedIncluded
ArcGIS for Microsoft 365 product logo ArcGIS for Microsoft 365IncludedIncludedIncluded
ArcGIS QuickCapture product logo ArcGIS QuickCaptureIncludednot includednot included
ArcGIS StoryMaps product logo ArcGIS StoryMapsIncludedIncludedIncluded
ArcGIS Survey123 product logo ArcGIS Survey123IncludedIncludedIncluded
ArcGIS Workforce product logo ArcGIS WorkforceIncludednot includednot included
Map Viewer product logo Map ViewerIncludedIncludedIncluded
Scene Viewer product logo Scene ViewerIncludedIncludedIncluded
Aanvullende producten en mogelijkheden bij ArcGIS Online en ArcGIS Enterprise inbegrepen
ArcGIS Living Atlas of the World product logo ArcGIS Living Atlas of the WorldIncludedIncludedIncluded
ArcGIS Maps SDKs for Native Apps product logo ArcGIS Maps SDKs for Native AppsBasicBasicLite
Location Sharing user type-extensieIncludednot includednot included
Alleen bij ArcGIS Online inbegrepen
ArcGIS Hub product logo ArcGIS Hub BasicIncludedIncludedIncluded
Alleen bij ArcGIS Enterprise inbegrepen
Enterprise SitesIncludedIncludedIncluded
Apps beschikbaar met ArcGIS Enterprise-extensies
ArcGIS Knowledge product logo ArcGIS Knowledge StudioIncludedIncludedIncluded
ArcGIS Mission product logo ArcGIS Mission ResponderIncludedIncludednot included

Geo-informatie beheren, in kaart brengen, analyseren en delen

Verrijk organisatiedata met een ruimtelijke context. Maak kaarten, ontwikkel apps, voer analyses uit en beheer locatiedata met deze user types. Per organisatie is ten minste één van de volgende drie user types vereist om met ArcGIS aan de slag te gaan.


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